Jan G. P. Tijssen is Emeritus Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at The Academic Medical Center - University Of Amsterdam. He received his training in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Department of Biostatistics at Leiden University and the Clinical Epidemiology Unit of The Thoraxcenter at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where he, in 1987, obtained his Ph.D. cum laude on a thesis entitled ‘Nifedipine and metoprolol in suspected unstable angina'. From 1990 untill 1998, he was Head of the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Academic Medical Center - University of Amsterdam. In 1999 he switched to the Clinical Research Group at the Department of Cardiology. His interests are in study design and data-analysis of clinical research with a special focus on Cardiology and Vascular Medicine. He is vice Chair of the Institutional Review Board at the Academic Medical Center.
He is a registered Epidemiologist at the Dutch Epidemiological Society. He is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology. He is a recipient of the Sael van Zwanenberg price for Clinical Pharmacologic Research (1980). For many years he has taught Courses on Clinical Trial Methodology and Data Analysis at the Erasmus Summer Programme. He is the author or coauthor of over 600 papers. He has been the co-supervisor of more than 30 Ph.D. theses. He has served on more than 50 Data and Safety Monitoring Boards.