The SYNTAX III trial included 6 sites in 5 countries, and were distributed as follows: Italy (1 site), Belgium (1 site), France (2 sites), Switzerland (1 site), and Germany (1 site).
The first patient was enrolled on July 1st 2016 at U.Z. Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, with Dr. Jeroen Sonck being the site Principal Investigator. Enrolment of all participants, amounting to 223 was achieved on February 14th 2018 at University Hospital of Jena, Jena, Germany, with Prof. Ulf Teichgräber being the site Principal Investigator. The achieved rate of enrolment was 1.9 patients/site/month.
Enrolment per country was distributed as follows: United Kingdom: Italy: 125 participants, Belgium: 49 participants, France: 21 participants, Switzerland: 19 participants, and Germany: 9 participants.
The top 3 enrolling sites in the SYNTAX III trial were: